Welcome to the Clearinghouse Input System

Welcome to the International China Studies Events Clearing-House Input System! Please read the instruction. If you have any questions, contact the administrator by emailing fairbank@g.harvard.edu

The First Time Login: Please set your time zone and password

  • To make sure the starting time displaying correctly, please click on "My accounts" (top-right corner). 

my account

  • Choose the "edit" tab.

edit tab

  • Select your local time zone, which is supposed to be your events' local time zone. If you are entering events in multiple time zones, please contact the admin for multiple accounts.

select your time zone

  • You can set a new password on this page.

change the password

Adding New Events

  • Click the "Add content" on the left sidebar to add a new event. 

Add new content

  • It takes six to eight hours for the new event to appear on the public site. Please be patient. 
  • You can find all your events under the "My events" tab on your account page.

Events from the old Clearing-House

Most of the events in the old Clearing-House have been imported into the new system. The administrator can help you to move them back to your "My events" page. Please send contact the admin for details.